Website cookie policy


1. Website – online travel portal
2. – E/P Renata Moroz Individual company established in Sakartveli, taxpayer code 305544462, address of registered office – Sakartveli, Tbilisi City, University Street 24, Greenhill Residence .
3. User – any person registered with the Website (both natural person and legal person);
4. User – any person who has not registered with the Website (both natural person and legal entity) who uses the Website;
5. Services – The website offers travel-related services such as the sale of tourist service packages, booking and selling bus and air tickets, hotel reservations and mediation, mediation in the sale of insurance and car rental services and other travel-related services, which may be constantly updated. , added or changed on the Site, and at all times the term Services shall include all such services specified on the Site;
6. Account – link on the relevant website;
7. Partners – are considered such legal entities with whom cooperates in providing Services on the Website;
8. A cookie is a small file that is sent to the device when any person visits the Website;
9. Browser – is a program designed to display internet pages (web pages) on the web or on a personal computer;
10. Personal data – any information related to a natural person – a data subject whose identity is known or can be directly or indirectly determined using such data as a personal code, one or more physical, physiological, psychological, economic, cultural or signs of a social nature;
11. Recipient of personal data – legal or natural person to whom personal data is provided, including Partners;
12. Privacy policy – ​​this document, which provides the basic rules for the collection, storage, processing and storage of personal data and other important information when using the Website;
1. Law – the Law on Legal Protection of Personal Data;
2. General requirements – 2008 of the Director of the State Data Protection Inspectorate. November 12 order no. 1T-17(1.12) “On approval of general requirements for organizational and technical personal data security measures”;
3. Website administrator – the person responsible for the administration of the Website;
4. IP Address – Each computer connected to the Internet is assigned a unique number known as an Internet Protocol (IP) address. Because these numbers are usually assigned by country block, an IP address can often be used to identify the country from which a computer connects to the Internet.

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